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Rep. Schiff on CNN: Serious Concerns About Arming the So-Called Moderate Syrian Rebels
Rep. Schiff Discusses Increasing Extremist Elements in Syrian Rebel Groups on CNN's Situation Room
ABC 7: Rep. Schiff Expresses Concern with Arming Syrian Rebels after President's Speech on ISIS
Rep. Adam Schiff Floor Speech on Vote For The Plan to Arm the Moderate Syrian Opposition Forces
Rep. Schiff on CNN Discussing Beheading of British Aid Worker -- ISIL is Medieval in its Barbarity
Rep. Schiff on CNN: Sanctions Needed on Russia, Exercises in NATO Countries Positive
Rep. Schiff on MSNBC talks Turkey's Role in Fight Against ISIS
Ukraine's dependency on Putin exposed
Is America less safe than after 9/11?
Bombing ISIS Will Make Problem Worse
DNI: Al Qaeda is not on run, but morphing
General Dempsy Answers CNN Jim Sciutto Question on Kobane